



時間:2017-09-07 14:33來源:上海西外外國語學校

  金秋東西環球對話-劍橋課程在西外土壤中的生長!2017年9月1日,上海外國語大學西外外國語學校的開學典禮別具一格,意義非凡。今年開學典禮邀請到了劍橋考試委員會全球總裁Michael O'Sullivan、劍橋國際考試中心東亞區總裁趙靜博士、劍橋國際考試中心華東地區主管黃婉虹以及劍橋國際考試中心華東地區主管時鐘匯等一行人出席典禮儀式。


  開學典禮上,自編微戲劇【當孔子遇見柏拉圖】隆重上演,來自英國的劍橋考試委員會全球總裁Michael O'Sullivan飾演孔子,西外總校長林敏博士飾演柏拉圖,就在那一刻,跨越2000多年,中西文化開始交融,古典與現代交匯貫通,中國的傳統教育思想與西方的哲學理念開展對話。






  首席執行官 沙利文先生




  On Friday, September 1st, 2017, Michael O’Sullivan, the CEO of Cambridge International Examinations, visited Xiwai International School and attended Xiwai’s opening ceremony. Also visiting were Dr. Jing Zhao, Cambridge Regional Director for East Asia; Yvonne Huang, Senior Manager for East China; and Kelvin Shi, Manager for East China. The Cambridge delegation was here to mark Xiwai’s entry into the global community of Cambridge schools. After a ceremony that showcased Xiwai’s unique bilingual and cross-cultural characteristics, Mr. O’Sullivan and his fellow guests spent the rest of the morning touring Xiwai and engaging in lively discussions with Dr. Lin Min and other Xiwai leaders.

  Mr. O’Sullivan shared his view that the most important measure of education is whether it can create self-motivated learners – that is, students who think and learn independently. He argued that if teachers cannot do this, then they have failed in their mission. He also spoke about the dangers of falsely identifying “traditional” education as the problem with many of today’s school systems. What many consider “traditional” education (i.e., rote learning, memorization, and too much emphasis on scores), Mr. O’Sullivan noted, is actually a product of modern education. Beginning with the Industrial Revolution, the idea developed that education should be accessible to everyone, regardless of social class. This had many positive effects. But by opening up education to such large numbers of people, it has also made schooling more “industrial” in the way it is applied. Overcoming this, Mr. O’Sullivan claimed, is a key challenge faced by education systems everywhere, whether in China, Europe, North America, or any other part of the world.

  The Xiwai and Cambridge teams also discussed the exciting opportunities – and the challenges – ahead for both organizations. For Cambridge, the main question will be how to adapt its educational culture and its rigorous, research-based global curriculum to the specific needs and context of mainland China. Cambridge programs are flexible, Mr. O’Sullivan noted, but ultimately they are all based on the same global set of standards, which cannot be compromised. Xiwai, for its part, has thrived because of its willingness to experiment; it has a strong culture of innovation, and unlike most schools of its kind, it has largely developed its own curriculum rather than importing outside models. For Xiwai, joining the Cambridge community means adopting an external structure and set of standards, and this will require some shifts in thinking and practice for those who are teaching IGCSE courses. On the other hand, those teachers will now be part of a truly global education community, and will have access to an unprecedented wealth of resources and expertise from around the world.

  The new partnership between Xiwai and Cambridge comes at a unique moment in history – a time when China is embracing international education, while also reaffirming the importance of its own national culture, heritage, and traditions. Though skillfully navigating this new era will not be easy, both the Xiwai and Cambridge teams are full of optimism and confidence about the path ahead. Indeed, Mr. O’Sullivan stated that, precisely because of its unique school culture, Xiwai is ideally suited to developing the next generation of Cambridge programs in China. Dr. Lin, for his part, spoke about his goal of making Xiwai not just another Cambridge school, but a Cambridge Professional Development center as well. With this forward-looking spirit, the future looks promising!

  Brief Introduction:

  Michael O'Sullivan, Chief Executive

  Michael O'Sullivan was appointed Chief Executive of Cambridge International Examinations in April 2013. He was previously Director of the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and Cambridge Overseas Trust, and prior to that role he was Secretary General of the EU Chamber of Commerce in China.

  Michael spent most of his earlier career with the British Council. His roles included Director, British Council, China; Head of Corporate Planning; and East Asia and Pacific Policy Director.

  Michael has a BA in French and German from Brasenose College, Oxford, an MPhil in Linguistics from Wolfson College, Cambridge, and is a fluent Mandarin speaker. In 2008, he was created a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George for his services to the British Council. He is a fellow of Wolfson College, Cambridge.



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