



時間:2023-05-12 13:50來源:上海萊克頓學校(英式國際學校)

設計與技術課 Design & Technology

本學期可能是我在Lucton學校迄今為止最激動人心的一個學期,因為學生的NEA模型制作順利完成。十一年級和十三年級的學生按時完成他們的設計作品項目,隨著最后期限的臨近,他們比以往任何時候都更加努力。他們的作品將在5月13日周六的表達藝術日展出,如果您有時間,請來欣賞他們的作品。A Level的學生們一直在制作各種各樣的模型,從生物仿生學獲得靈感的揚聲器到室內空間的時尚設計,學生們創造了質量極佳的模型和草圖。


IGCSE的學生還一直在研究考試局規定的作品創作——創造一個有助于整理青少年臥室的產品。Jessie Z和Julia J在處于制作書桌整理器的最后階段,祝愿她們早日完成。該階段學生已經完成了課程的核心部分,包括從聚合物到金屬的不同材料,以及設計師可以用來提高產品可用性的設計策略。現在我們已經進入了課程的最后一部分——論文和板書的擴展部分,學生們正在努力學習以便在考試前完成。


This term in DT has probably been my most exciting one in DT at Lucton School so far as at last the student NEA model making has not been affected by lockdowns! Y13 and Y 11 students have worked so hard to complete their projects on time and as the deadline looms they are working harder than ever! Their projects will all be on display at the Expressive Arts Showcase on Saturday the 13th May so please come and see them if you are available. The A Level group has been producing a wide variety of models, from a biomimicry inspired speaker to a fashion design interior space, with students creating fantastic quality models and sketches.

Y10 have taken the challenge of the IGCSE well - building on their knowledge from the first term. This term our class has become electronics geniuses after building their own electronic circuits and learning about the different components that we can use. More recently students have started developing their understanding of materials by exploring modern materials - such as smart materials, technical textiles, and composites, and how we can use those in our everyday lives.

The IGCSE cohort has been working on the set piece from the exam board - creating a product that helps organize a teenager’s bedroom. Jessie Zhao and Julia Jin are both in the final stages of making their desk organizers so let’s wish them luck as they finish off their projects! The class has finished the core section of the course, which covers many different materials from polymers to metals and design strategies that designers can use to improve their usability of their products. We have now moved on to the last part of the course - the papers and boards extension, and the girls are working diligently to complete this before their exams.

Y12 have recently started their NEA projects themselves, looking on to the Y13 as a vision of their own futures, and are spending time investigating possible design problems that they could solve with the product they will design. Already students have an assortment of ideas - improved storage in a medical facility, a redesign of the school shop, an ergonomic working space, and a pet home to name a few! Good luck Y12 - you will smash it!

Ms Lucy Byrne

設計與技術老師 Design & Technology Teacher



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