時間:2023-12-28 09:51來源:上海美達菲學校
重磅!經過一系列嚴格的學習、培訓、考核和評估,2023年12月16日,上海美達菲正式獲得劍橋大學國際考評部(Cambridge Assessment International Education,簡稱CAIE)對于PDQ項目的授權。同時,我校外方校長David Scoggins也通過考核成為項目負責人。
Blockbuster! After a series of rigorous learning, training, Assessment and evaluation, on December 16, 2023, Shanghai MacDuffie was officially authorized by Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) for the PDQ project. At the same time, our foreign principal David Scoggins also passed the assessment and became the project leader.
也就是說,上海美達菲作為通過認證PDQ中心,將有資格為通過考核的老師頒發劍橋教師專業發展資質認證Cambridge Professional Development Qualification (PDQs)。這也將成為2024年,美達菲持續專業發展計劃的一部分。
In other words, as a certified PDQ center, Shanghai MacDuffie will be eligible to issue the Cambridge Professional Development Qualification (PDQs) to teachers who pass the assessment. This will also be part of the continuing Professional Development plan for MacDuffie in 2024.
劍橋教師專業發展資質認證(Cambridge Professional Development Qualifications,簡稱PDQ項目)是劍橋國際考評部推出的旨在幫助教師和教育管理者提升專業技能的一項專業認證。該項目得到倫敦大學學院(UCL)教育學院(Institute of Education)的專業論證和支持(UCL多年來在QS世界大學教育專業排行榜位列第一),能為學校教師們提供循序漸進的專業發展途徑。
The Cambridge Professional Development Qualifications (PDQ) programme is a professional qualification launched by Cambridge International Assessment to help teachers and education administrators improve their professional skills. The programme is supported by the Institute of Education of University College London (UCL) (UCL has been ranked number one in the QS World University Education Rankings for many years), and provides a progressive pathway of professional development for school teachers.
Cambridge PDQ provides a powerful framework to support teachers' ongoing professional development, thereby enhancing the quality and effectiveness of teaching and learning in the school as a whole. Each teacher completes a 24-week module and passes Cambridge International Examinations on teaching practice, learning outcomes and feedback before receiving their certificate.
2024年,上海美達菲也將從選出一組老師參加PDQ項目的。課程將由外方校長David Scoggins負責主持,時長為150小時,老師們將會:
In 2024, Shanghai MacDuffie will also select a group of teachers to participate in the PDQ project. The course will be led by foreign Principal David Scoggins and will last for 150 hours. Teachers will:批判性運用相關教育思維及國際最佳教學實踐
Engage critically with concepts, theories and the best practices of teaching and learning from around the world將新的理念和方法融合到自身的實踐和環境中
Apply new ideas and approaches to their lessons分享及反思教學經驗成果
Develop their reflective practice and academic skills提升教學質量以提高美達菲學生的學習質量
Transform the quality of teaching and learning to advance the outcomes of MacDuffie students劍橋PDQs建立在兩個基本原則上:有效教學、有效專業發展。研究顯示,有效教學是學生正向成長最重要的影響因素,也就是說,一所學校校的好壞,取決于老師的質量以及他們日常教學活動的水平。
PDQs is founded on two fundamental principles: effective teaching and effective professional development. Research shows that effective teaching is the most important factor in students’ positive growth, that is, the quality of a school depends on the quality of its teachers and the level of their daily teaching activities.
2024 With the support of Cambridge PDQ, it will be a breakthrough year for Shanghai MacDuffie, and we will have more resources and opportunities to continuously improve the professional teaching skills of teachers and practice the teaching concept, so as to provide better education services and teaching quality for students. It is believed that in the future, Shanghai MacDuffie will also release a group of higher quality teachers who have been trained and strictly assessed by Cambridge, and the newly upgraded teaching team will also become the guarantee of students' performance.
The future is bright, the future is MacDuffie!
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