上?;蒽`頓國際學校是一所坐落于浦東前灘的全日制男女同校可寄宿學校。學校自2014年8月開始招收年齡為2至18歲的學生,現有600 余名在校生。上?;蒽`頓國際學校將沿襲英國惠靈頓公學的非營利性性質和皇室背景的歷史。英國惠靈頓公學于1859年由維多利亞女王為紀念大不列顛最偉大的軍事家惠靈頓公爵而建立。
Wellington College International Shanghai is a co-educational day and boarding independent school based in Pudong, Shanghai. Wellington has been accepting students since August 2014 and currently has just over 600 pupils aged between two and eighteen. Wellington shares its not-for-profit status and royal foundation with its sister school, Wellington College UK. Wellington College UK was originally founded by Queen Victoria in 1859 as the national memorial to Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington.
現任校長 Current Master
作為上?;蒽`頓國際學校的現任校長,麥杰德先生畢業于倫敦政經學院,并隨后在倫敦教育學院接受教師培訓。在加入惠靈頓之前,他曾在英國著名學校Sheldon School 執教,之后在Balcarras School 擔任高級管理者七年,之后在中東世界最大的國際學校-阿爾科爾國際學校擔任校長數年。麥杰德先生有著豐富的教育管理經驗,于2010年被評為英國國家教育領導者。
學校課程 Curriculum
上?;蒽`頓國際學校的課程繼承了英國國家課程及威爾士國家課程,同時結合美國哈佛大學Howard Gardner“多種才能” 理念啟發而形成的八大智能[3] 教育理念。除了低年級學生以外,我們還為10-11年級(15-16歲)的學生提供IGCSE課程。此外,從2015年8月開始我們還為12-13(17-18歲)年級學生提供IBDP課程。
Wellington College International Shanghai’s academic programme is based on the English National Curriculum for England and Wales. The College offers the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) in Years 10-11 and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) in Years 12 and 13, which will start in August 2015.
The curriculum is supplemented by the Eight Aptitudes[3] , inspired by the work of Harvard Professor, Howard Gardner
體育設施 Sport
Wellington is home to Shanghai’s sole school cricket pitch, a 25 metres six-lane competition swimming pool, tennis and basketball courts, three football pitches, and a 400m Tartan running track, amongst multiple other indoor and outdoor facilities.
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